
We consider each applicant to Smart University as a whole person, and put enormous care into evaluating every application.

Finwin EDU Campus really appreciates you’re decision to seek admission for the upcoming program of our choice. We are dedicated and looking forward to provide you with best options and solutions for your requirement. Our Career guidance team is more than willing to sit together and analyze the suitable programs for your trail of studies considering your strong and interested areas.
We are just an inquiry away and you may contact us in any of the following methods get smooth admission.


You may walk in to our main study facility at 1094, Maradana Road, Colombo 08 and talk to the Enrollment team. Your request will be attended swiftly.


You may fill the online form and send to us. We will revert within 48 hours and carry on with admission process.


Please call us on

0775354888 / 0774323296 / 0112699969

or email us at [email protected] stating your requirement. Our pioneer team will attend to the requirement immediately.


We are available on common social media platforms to serve you faster. Your inquiries through Social media are attended immediately.

Admission Process
Ask Admissions staff all your questions